Friday, August 23, 2013

Dark Sun Game Notes 8/12/13

Dark Sun Game Notes 8/12


Zarnian convened a meeting of those at the House and planned to launch a caravan. Dahn Gen was reluctant to go as the Dune Trader since Mak’ti was still ill, and he did not want to miss the birth of his child. Zarnian convinced him to go in order to provide for his child. Though he was obviously upset with her he said he would.


Barok went to confront those speaking out against the king and found Aristophaneles. There were 100 people there, waiting to hear from their sage teacher. Upon seeing the half giant approach, Aristophaneles cried out in joy that Barok had come to lend his support to the people. Barok corrected them that he was not there to lend his support but there to stop those speaking out against the king. At this, Artistophaneles turned pale, because he was facing down the Colossus of Tyr as an enemy instead of a friend. Chaos ensued, and the bard ran, diving into the House of The Blue Rose, a bordello. By the time Barok could get through the crowd and get inside the speaker had been hidden by the women inside. Barok was chased away. Undiscouraged, Barok went to a half elf bard in the warrens and got information on where Aristophaneles was staying. He also got a bit of free information, which was that Thaxos Vordon had been meeting with the minister of the mines. Upon going to his apartment, Barok found Aristophaneles. The speaker was afraid, but agreed to go to the House of the Painted Eye’s warehouse to speak with Zarnian, especially since Barok left him little choice. Still, he encouraged Barok to speak out for the people, saying “My sword is old and brittle, but yours is large and rainbow.”


Cael was in Urik and checked out the location of the small warehouse the House of the Painted Eye had in town. It was now rented out to someone else. The people of the town were listless and angry because they lost their skirmish with Tyr and they had never before lost a battle.

Making her way down to the bar where her Veiled Alliance contact was dancing, she tried to go in and watch, but was kicked out by the bouncer.

From there she went to merchants in the area and made contacts so when she came back as a Dune Trader she would have people to sell weapons, armor, food and jewelry to. The Urikites were especially happy to have weapons and the stuff to make weapons.

Two days later, someone came to get Cael, sent by the Azure Lady. A few others were at the meeting, as the Azure Lady demanded to know who provided Cael with the wands. She, of course, would not disclose that information so the group demanded proof of her loyalty. Cael produced Kalak’s desiccated heart. The group agreed that was good proof, and asked if she wanted to help kill a templar. She agreed. But, the Veiled Alliance did want to know how Kalak was killed. Cael replied it was with the Spear of Destiny.

They wanted Cael to bring them the spear, so they could go after Hamanu, but warned her not to go back to the bar with the Azure Lady. Instead, go to Bar 13 and ask for Dorena. The name of the templar they were planning on killing was Makababa.


Barok and Aristophaneles arrived back at the House. Aristophaneles had been hoping to avoid Bay since he ran away from his contract with him, but they saw Bay’s chariot in the driveway. Inside, he met with Bay and Zarnian. Trying to plead his point that the people needed to speak out against the king he was met with congratulations from Bay and Zarnian for his willingness to be able to die for his cause. Zarnian patted Aristophaneles on the back and said while she was unwilling to be a martyr and die on a cross by going back to Nibenay she was glad he was willing to go back to the square, stand for his values and die on a cross. Suddenly, he paled, backtracked, and accepted Zarnian’s offer of employment.  


Akkadian was still trying to rescue the miners and he had one, Hakkar, but still needed to rescue Vess and return to rescue Denning and the Iteriuk villagers. But before, he needed a place to rest and regroup. They found a large cave, and inside were small tunnels. When the group looked inside they saw scurrying. Akkadian tried to look in one of the holes and saw a little Hejkin looking at him. The group started killing some Hejkin and tried to find a way to seal the holes. They did enough that they could rest that night. They did take shifts and kept two guards up, one to watch the mouth of the cave for Vordon troops and one to watch for shifty little Hejkin. Still, they passed the night unmolested.

The group decided to look to lure the cilops team up onto the mountain for an ambush. Upon the Dray’s suggestion, Hakkar touched lots of rocks and shrubs as he walked up the trail. The team waited, then they spotted 20 armed House Vordon archers plus the cilops and handler. The cilops was very excited because it could smell Hakkar. The team made quick work of the cilops and the handler, and severely wounded the captain but then had to retreat.  


Zarnian met with Strabbo Ianto to place some of her iron on one of his caravans. They bargained for him to have 1 ½ resource units and Zarnian to have 5 ½ resource units.  Zarnian also agreed to send five of her most trusted guards to protect the caravan. Stabbo warned her not to go to Urik because it was a horrible war zone.



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