Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Pirate Hammer Game Notes 8 7 13


Pirate Hammer Notes 8/7/13

The Warehouse

The group was at the warehouse with Black Margaret, ready to get Saw Soup Harold and his gang. Margaret banged on the door. Imperial Otto answered the door. He wanted to know where Margaret had been. She answered she was out looking for Edward Sebastian but was back now. He let her in. The rest of the group was hiding off to the side, and jumped on Otto, restraining him. Rubio used his spell doppelganger to take Imperial Otto’s form. Scara handed ‘Otto’ her pistol, and had him shove her into the main warehouse where Saw Soup and the others waited.

The smell of the sea was overpowering, as it was a huge salted fish processing plant. Saw Soup was there, standing on top of some scaffolding, as was Fish Face, Plain Jon, Amanda, and Smooth Jon. When Saw Soup saw Margaret walk in he was suspicious, but when she explained she captured one of Sabastian’s friends, gesturing to Scara, his attitude brightened. He cast down a hook and ordered her tied to it so he could haul her up. Reluctantly Otto and Margaret complied, and Scara started being hauled up, then ‘Otto’ shot Saw Soup, and cast Dazzling Light, blinding him. Margaret shot the rope holding Scara and as the girl dropped the others rushed in. Hugo shot Amanda in the gut with a blunderbuss. Scara grabbed her gun off the floor and shot Saw Soup’s finger off, then Jacque came in and shot Saw Soup as well. Amanda shot Hugo, wounding him, Scara killed Smooth Jon as Rubio cast his burning gaze on Saw Soup, killing him and catching the wall on fire. Rubio immediately retrieved the piece of 8 they had come for, and put the flames out. Meanwhile, Fish Face and Plain Jon managed to dump one of the barrels of fish out, knocking Scara off her feet and into the fish goo. However, the rest of the gang was rounded up or killed. Otto was recruited for the group, and everyone left before the authorities could come.

After cleaning up and dropping the real Otto and Edward off at the ship, a few headed into town. They made a few purchases, and then the ship sailed away, going after the Young Wolf to retrieve the rest of their crew.

The Isle of the Blue Crabs

The next stop was the Isle of the Blue Crabs, a staging point for all the Shark Tooth captain’s ships. On the way over Jacque did her best to make Imperial Otto and Margaret feel like a welcome part of the crew. Once they arrived at the Isle, there was a huge fortress, and men poking up, demanding the password. Edward gave it to them and they were allowed to dock. The men looked weathered, and when asked why they had the fortress they said there were Giant Blue crabs that could eat a normal man.

Scara went and watched the big blue crabs as they battled, ate and communicated. Meanwhile, the group found that the Young Wolf had gone on to Lustria, home of Lizard Men, Vampire Pirates, and more diseases than anyone could count. Jacque used the time that Scara was looking at the crabs to ask about the Great White Cephalopod, and some people said they had seen it.

Meanwhile, Rubio decided he wanted to ride one of the blue crabs, so he asked Scara to follow him down. He found one, a big male he named Octavius. First, he used a cantrip to recreate the creature’s claws, then they signaled and gestured at each other. Finally, Rubio blinded the crab, jumped on his back and rode him. He marked his carapace with a coin before getting down.

Finally, the crew resupplied the ship and sailed off to Lustria.






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